A star named Sun
It is known that 40% of Russians are more or less susceptible to depression of the “overcast sky”, so sunlight and heat, better than any newfangled medicine, can have a…

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Unqualified doctors - dolphins
Dolphins are animals that have a need for interspecific communication, so they are easy to contact and communicate with people. The fact that they know how to work as rescuers…

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The body's response to cooling
The concept of constancy of human body temperature, as research has shown, is to a certain extent relative. For example, open skin at low temperatures cools faster than closed ones.…

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Food chemistry
Three kilograms of chemicals. This is the quantity that an average consumer consumes in the course of a year of the most different, sometimes absolutely familiar products: cupcakes, for example,…


environmental pollutio

Chronic fatigue syndrome: how to deal with it

The ficus has always been green, it simply does not have the right to become orange or crimson in the box. A neighbor for ten years welcomes you with a sweet smile when you come across the elevator. Friends do not ask for money, but simply try to pull you out on kebabs. Seeing your sour physiognomy, friends sympathetically shake their heads. So it’s up to you!

And do not argue. Fatigue, irritability, excessive tearfulness, apathy, indifference – if at least half about you and your mood in recent weeks, then it’s time to talk about such a mysterious and poorly understood disease, like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Continue reading

Flu vaccine - sick leave canceled!
Together with the first cold, the first diseases come to us. The most insidious of them is the flu. Flu epidemics are observed annually in the autumn-winter period. The spread…


Increased temperature in babies
It is necessary to know that the temperature of a child is higher than that of an adult, which is associated with its intensive growth and constant changes in the…


The body's response to cooling
The concept of constancy of human body temperature, as research has shown, is to a certain extent relative. For example, open skin at low temperatures cools faster than closed ones.…
