Balance of beautiful form and content
Beautiful hair, strong nails, charming smile, graceful gait and proud posture - agree that every woman dreams of this. Therefore, we buy the best shampoos, expensive nail polish, go to…

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Ayurveda: the science of life in India
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian method of healing the body and spirit. Literally, the word "Ayurveda" is translated from Sanskrit as "the science of life." This is the oldest system…

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Colds in babies
In young children, colds are many times more common than in adults. The reason for this is not developed immunity to filtering viruses that are able to penetrate into the…

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Life-threatening ozone therapy
Speaking of ozone as a poison, superior in toxicity to carbon monoxide, or as the strongest oxidizer that can react even with those substances to which oxygen is inert, it…


constantly monitor the doctor

Various ailments in the baby

Small children are often tormented by flatulence – the accumulation of gas in the stomach. At the same time the stomach becomes hard and increases in size. To alleviate the condition, a child can be stroked on the belly with a warm palm or work with his legs, bending them in the knees, changing the position of his body several times. You can also give your baby a teaspoon of chamomile decoction or dill water. Continue reading

The main rules of hardening
So, systematic hardening is a proven and reliable healing tool! However, there will not be much prospect if, in carrying out tempering procedures, to neglect the principles that have been…


Supplements - it's good!
The true meaning of the conventional expression “the most expensive is health” comes to the minds of most of us, not even when the first malfunctions begin in our body,…


We fight spring cold
In the spring of us often catches cold. Pharmaceutical preparations give a good effect, but in a weakened body, the probability of side effects is high. In addition, any pharmaceutical…
