Various ailments in the baby
Small children are often tormented by flatulence - the accumulation of gas in the stomach. At the same time the stomach becomes hard and increases in size. To alleviate the…

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Ureaplasma - is it possible to cure?
How can I get ureaplasmosis? Ureaplasmosis, or mycoplasmosis, is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a group of bacteria called mycoplasma. Its second name is ureaplasmosis, which has become even…

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Demodecosis. Causes of occurrence. Treatment methods
Demodecosis is a disease accompanied by microscopic mite damage to the skin. This tick is called Demodex folliculorum. For most people, this mite is a normal inhabitant of the skin,…

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Ayurveda: the science of life in India
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian method of healing the body and spirit. Literally, the word "Ayurveda" is translated from Sanskrit as "the science of life." This is the oldest system…


good muscle activity disrupts the outflow

What is cellulite and how to fight it

Most likely, in the initial stages of development, this is an aesthetic problem. Cellulite begins with a violation of microcirculation of blood and lymph, the appearance of an ugly subcutaneous vascular network in the legs. Stagnation of blood and lymph leads to increased penetration of fluid (plasma) into the intercellular space, i.e. swelling of tissues. At this (I-II) stage of development, cellulite is still hardly noticeable, and only when the tissues are squeezed with fingers on the resulting crease, is uneven unevenness. Continue reading

Tired eyes? Help yourself!
Eyes - one of the most attractive parts of a woman’s body. With her own eyes, a woman can break a man's heart. However, very often they have a hard…


Colon Cleansing and Colon Function Recovery
Preparing the body for cleansing Before proceeding with the purification (this applies to any of its kind), it is necessary to carry out preliminary training, which is to soften the…


Depression: how to fight it and win
Depression is familiar to everyone. Why not? Life is full of difficulties, and fate often challenges us. Everything can affect your mood, ranging from bad weather and ending with a…
