Inhalation: Techniques
Inhalation is a method of administering drugs through the respiratory tract by inhalation. Inhalation of gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide), volatile substances (ether, chloroform), as well as finely dispersed substances (aerosols)…

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Ayurveda - the ancient science of beauty and health
We all want to be beautiful, healthy and live long. But for some reason, the miraculous means by which the neighbor has found a second youth, do not produce the…

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Vampirism for the good
Leech - omnipresent. They live all over the world except the Arctic and Antarctica. The main distinguishing feature of all 400 species of these animals, belonging to the class of…

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Ayurveda - the ancient science of beauty and health
We all want to be beautiful, healthy and live long. But for some reason, the miraculous means by which the neighbor has found a second youth, do not produce the…


unhealthy diet

What is cellulite and how to fight it

Most likely, in the initial stages of development, this is an aesthetic problem. Cellulite begins with a violation of microcirculation of blood and lymph, the appearance of an ugly subcutaneous vascular network in the legs. Stagnation of blood and lymph leads to increased penetration of fluid (plasma) into the intercellular space, i.e. swelling of tissues. At this (I-II) stage of development, cellulite is still hardly noticeable, and only when the tissues are squeezed with fingers on the resulting crease, is uneven unevenness. Continue reading

The body's response to cooling
The concept of constancy of human body temperature, as research has shown, is to a certain extent relative. For example, open skin at low temperatures cools faster than closed ones.…


Attention: couperose
Kuperoz - a violation of blood circulation in the skin. Usually kuperoz begins with stagnation in the capillaries of the upper layers of the skin. Because of the constant load,…


Plastic surgery
The first facelift operations were carried out in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, although they were not officially advertised. At that time, to eliminate wrinkles and flabbiness of…
