Rash and skin irritation in babies
One of the most common types of irritation are diaper rash, which many take for granted. However, in reality, the child should not have them. The appearance of diaper rash…

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We treat herpes
Autumn cold brings unpleasant surprises: one of them is a rash on the lips, or "fever on the lips." It is caused by the herpes virus, which is very difficult…

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Science of life
The boom of Ayurveda enthusiasm, which is translated from Sanskrit means “the science of life”, has reached Russia. Essentially different from the usual for Europeans, the ancient Indian methods of…

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Art of bone restoration
The movements and movements of a person in space - from the simplest to the most complex - are made thanks to the work of the musculoskeletal system, represented by…


quality of medical care

Ayurveda: the science of life in India

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian method of healing the body and spirit. Literally, the word “Ayurveda” is translated from Sanskrit as “the science of life.” This is the oldest system of preservation and restoration of health was recognized by the World Health Organization as an effective system of alternative medicine. Now Ayurvedic faculties are in 150 universities in the country. Continue reading

Intramuscular injections in the gluteal region
The palm of the hand with the thumb as far as possible is applied to the thigh so that the end of the thumb reaches the anterior-inferior axis of the…


Curse of antibiotics
The more drugs used by humanity, the more vulnerable it becomes. Now, most types of serious infections are not treatable with the most common types of antibiotics. This annually causes…


Increased temperature in babies
It is necessary to know that the temperature of a child is higher than that of an adult, which is associated with its intensive growth and constant changes in the…
