Flu vaccine - sick leave canceled!
Together with the first cold, the first diseases come to us. The most insidious of them is the flu. Flu epidemics are observed annually in the autumn-winter period. The spread…

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The body's response to cooling
The concept of constancy of human body temperature, as research has shown, is to a certain extent relative. For example, open skin at low temperatures cools faster than closed ones.…

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What is cellulite and how to fight it
Most likely, in the initial stages of development, this is an aesthetic problem. Cellulite begins with a violation of microcirculation of blood and lymph, the appearance of an ugly subcutaneous…

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Oxygen is needed as air ... for every diabetic patient!
There is a paradox: today we can effectively deal with type 2 diabetes or prevent the development of this disease by “catching” it in its early stages. This is on…



Insidious sinusitis

Inflammation of the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses is a common disease, due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure (unfavorable conditions of outflow from the sinuses) and the possibility of infection from the teeth.

Most often, sinusitis is observed during the period of mass spread of influenza and other colds, and in children this disease may be associated with measles, scarlet fever, chicken pox and other infectious diseases. The penetration of the infection is usually carried out through the nose, blood and aching teeth, or is the result of trauma with a violation of the integrity of the sinus wall. Continue reading

Stem cells in search of truth
Stem cells. Despite the fact that the term appeared in biology in 1908, the peak of world attention to this topic came at the end of the 20th and the…


Burns in babies
There are several degrees of burns, but even the smallest of them can be quite complicated, because pain and burning are simply unbearable for a child. Therefore, in case of…


Inhalation: Techniques
Inhalation is a method of administering drugs through the respiratory tract by inhalation. Inhalation of gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide), volatile substances (ether, chloroform), as well as finely dispersed substances (aerosols)…
