Supplements - it's good!
The true meaning of the conventional expression “the most expensive is health” comes to the minds of most of us, not even when the first malfunctions begin in our body,…

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What is cellulite and how to fight it
Most likely, in the initial stages of development, this is an aesthetic problem. Cellulite begins with a violation of microcirculation of blood and lymph, the appearance of an ugly subcutaneous…

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We fight spring cold
In the spring of us often catches cold. Pharmaceutical preparations give a good effect, but in a weakened body, the probability of side effects is high. In addition, any pharmaceutical…

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Ayurveda: healthy mind in healthy body
Alternative medicine is gaining more and more adherents. Recent scientific studies confirm that treatment without drugs is possible, and the wonders of traditional medicine have received their logical explanation. Ayurveda…


medical leech

Vampirism for the good

Leech – omnipresent. They live all over the world except the Arctic and Antarctica. The main distinguishing feature of all 400 species of these animals, belonging to the class of freshwater ringed worms, is hematophagy, meaning that they feed on blood. However, among all this diversity, medical leeches are of medical interest. Modern research confirms that hirudotherapy is a potent treatment method used in almost all areas of medicine. Continue reading

Art of bone restoration
The movements and movements of a person in space - from the simplest to the most complex - are made thanks to the work of the musculoskeletal system, represented by…


Your perfect smile
Scientific and technological progress did not protect us from disease. Having learned how to heal alone, we did not avoid an increase in the prevalence of other diseases. An increase…


Curse of antibiotics
The more drugs used by humanity, the more vulnerable it becomes. Now, most types of serious infections are not treatable with the most common types of antibiotics. This annually causes…
