What is cellulite and how to fight it
Most likely, in the initial stages of development, this is an aesthetic problem. Cellulite begins with a violation of microcirculation of blood and lymph, the appearance of an ugly subcutaneous…

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Running and heart
Ordinary running has an even greater impact on our body than walking. The blood flow increases significantly - hence the energy from the environment; breathing - hence the removal of…

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Art of bone restoration
The movements and movements of a person in space - from the simplest to the most complex - are made thanks to the work of the musculoskeletal system, represented by…

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Curse of antibiotics
The more drugs used by humanity, the more vulnerable it becomes. Now, most types of serious infections are not treatable with the most common types of antibiotics. This annually causes…


stronger out incorrectly

The main rules of hardening

So, systematic hardening is a proven and reliable healing tool! However, there will not be much prospect if, in carrying out tempering procedures, to neglect the principles that have been developed by practical experience and supported by biomedical research. The most important of them are systematic, gradual and consistent, taking into account individual characteristics, a combination of general and local procedures, active mode, a variety of means and forms, self-control. Continue reading

Colds in babies
In young children, colds are many times more common than in adults. The reason for this is not developed immunity to filtering viruses that are able to penetrate into the…


Ayurveda: healthy mind in healthy body
Alternative medicine is gaining more and more adherents. Recent scientific studies confirm that treatment without drugs is possible, and the wonders of traditional medicine have received their logical explanation. Ayurveda…


Subcutaneous injections and infusions
Due to the fact that the subcutaneous fat layer is richly supplied with blood vessels, for a more rapid action of the drug substance, subcutaneous injections are used. Usually they…
