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Colds in babies

In young children, colds are many times more common than in adults. The reason for this is not developed immunity to filtering viruses that are able to penetrate into the body even through the skin cells. These viruses increase the susceptibility of the nasopharynx to germs and cause many colds, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, ear inflammation, sinusitis. Therefore, a child who has a cold should be treated very carefully. And the best thing is to prevent the contact of the baby with sick people.

It has been established that children who go to kindergarten and communicate with a large number of people are sick more often. However, this does not apply to all babies, but only to those with weakened health.

Less likely to cause colds, hardened people are regularly exposed to fresh air. Therefore, in order to avoid illnesses, it is necessary to spend more time outdoors, walking more often and longer in winter. No need to wrap children with warm blankets at night. For the same purposes, it should maintain a constant humidity in the house at a temperature of 20-21ºС. Hot dry air in the room contributes to the drying of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, and therefore, better susceptibility to germs. It is necessary to air the room more often. In addition, you need to adhere to a balanced diet and try not to expose the child to stress, otherwise his body will be weakened and more susceptible to viruses.

Some children suffer colds easily, without complications, but, as a rule, such diseases are characterized by a rather serious condition of the child. Typically, a cold begins with a temperature rise to 39ºC in the afternoon, which causes the child to be moody and irritated. On the first day, the condition may be characterized by redness of the throat, fever, loss of appetite, and vomiting. On the second day, as a rule, a runny nose appears, the throat starts to ache. With the right treatment, these symptoms disappear in two to three days, but the disease can drag on for two weeks.
It is important to know that with flu, symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat may be absent. Usually this disease is accompanied by high fever and general malaise. The most important thing in case of symptoms of a cold is to call a doctor who will examine the baby, prescribe the necessary procedures and medications. And before his arrival should bring down the temperature, putting the baby in bed. It is important to remember that self-medication can lead to serious undesirable consequences.

During a cold, it is necessary to ensure that the child is constantly in heat. The temperature in the room should be about 20ºС, the windows in the room should be closed. It is necessary to make sure that it is not stuffy in the house, for this you should air the room for several minutes at least once a day, and the child should not be in it at this time.

If the patient’s condition is severe enough during the illness, he lies in bed, you should put on warm pajamas and cover him with a blanket. When the child is sitting in bed, it is necessary to ensure that his back and shoulders are not cold. If the baby goes around the house, you should also worry about the fact that he was not cold, because hypothermia during a cold is extremely dangerous.

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