Thrush - treat or not?
Despite the innocuous name, this disease is extremely cunning and delivers a lot of trouble for women of all ages. It seems that the terrible itch and nasty discharge will…

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Ayurveda: the science of life in India
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian method of healing the body and spirit. Literally, the word "Ayurveda" is translated from Sanskrit as "the science of life." This is the oldest system…

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A star named Sun
It is known that 40% of Russians are more or less susceptible to depression of the “overcast sky”, so sunlight and heat, better than any newfangled medicine, can have a…

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Ayurveda: healthy mind in healthy body
Alternative medicine is gaining more and more adherents. Recent scientific studies confirm that treatment without drugs is possible, and the wonders of traditional medicine have received their logical explanation. Ayurveda…


significantly increased

Supplements – it’s good!

The true meaning of the conventional expression “the most expensive is health” comes to the minds of most of us, not even when the first malfunctions begin in our body, but only after diseases start to torment us seriously, taking away sleep, appetite and the very joy of being and forcing to throw at all possible and impossible medical institutions. Unfortunately, such a scenario is a classic example of the attitude to oneself and one’s own Russian health. Continue reading

Your perfect smile
Scientific and technological progress did not protect us from disease. Having learned how to heal alone, we did not avoid an increase in the prevalence of other diseases. An increase…


Balance of beautiful form and content
Beautiful hair, strong nails, charming smile, graceful gait and proud posture - agree that every woman dreams of this. Therefore, we buy the best shampoos, expensive nail polish, go to…


Ureaplasma - is it possible to cure?
How can I get ureaplasmosis? Ureaplasmosis, or mycoplasmosis, is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a group of bacteria called mycoplasma. Its second name is ureaplasmosis, which has become even…
