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Oxygen is needed as air … for every diabetic patient!

There is a paradox: today we can effectively deal with type 2 diabetes or prevent the development of this disease by “catching” it in its early stages. This is on the one hand.

On the other hand, humanity is absolutely powerless before diabetes. The forecast of WHO experts promises a catastrophe: by 2010 the number of patients will exceed 300 million people! This means that the death rate from cardiovascular complications will also increase dramatically: mainly ischemic heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, surgical infections, etc.

Why it happens?

Today it is somehow not customary to talk about this, but the main risk factor for type 2 diabetes is … our very life. We are faced with one of the first man-made epidemics of non-communicable disease, which is no longer able to stop with any sanitary and administrative measures. How can you not stop scientific and technological progress, prohibit cars, phones, televisions and computers … Settle cities and go to healthy food …

No one is immune from the disease, regardless of gender, age or profession. Especially at the risk of falling ill citizens who are closer to all the benefits of civilization! And this is 80% of the population of all countries!

The question is what can be done in this situation?

The answer sounds, from my point of view, no less paradoxically: everyone can not get sick with diabetes! .. If you actively take care of yourself, your health, and, if you want, live contrary to circumstances. Then the chances of avoiding the disease or defeating it will be very high. It is only important to know some of the rules by which diabetes plays with us, and always be ahead of it at least a half step.

Fuel crisis

It is well known that erythrocytes, which are carriers of O2, are among the first to increase blood sugar levels. They lose their elasticity, as if “sugar”, and can no longer, as usual, seep into small blood vessels (capillaries). Because of this, the real oxygen starvation (hypoxia) begins in the organs and tissues.

However, the cells do not have a lack of glucose. It enters the fabric, and in quantities far exceeding their needs. After all, a modern person who is driving a car around the clock, in a chair in front of a computer and at home with a TV … does not have the necessary diet and full physical activity. The metabolism is reduced, because of which, as a rule, body weight increases and organs deteriorate prematurely. And, contrary to the general idea, regular visits to the sports club do not change this situation much. One movement here, as a rule, is not enough …

But what a modern person has in abundance is stress. Small and large. They also provoke a disease.
Stress requires fast glucose to burn. They urge the pancreas to produce even more insulin in order to “force” the fuel into the cell.
And there is still no oxygen there! ..

Over time, the energy crisis reaches its limit. The need for oxygen continues to grow. And, in the end, there comes a time when a diagnosis appears in a person’s medical record: diabetes.


Now how we treat diabetes of the second type and how to prevent the development of the disease. The scheme that we developed in the clinic is extremely simple.

The first. We saturate the blood, organs and tissues of the body with active oxygen, which immediately allows us to breathe freely to every cell in the body.

The second. We are stimulating the development of new red blood cells in order to change the fleet of failed O2 “transport” as soon as possible, and we carry out vascular therapy.

Third. We activate all types of metabolism: carbohydrate, protein, fat and mineral, which ensures the “burning” of excess glucose, the level of which in the blood is normalized.

Fourth. We eliminate chronic foci of infection, including hidden ones, which I did not mention here about their role in the development of diabetes, but they significantly accelerate the development of the disease, make it heavier and complicate its course.

The fifth. At the last stage, we apply our author’s methods, which allow gradually returning to the initial level the number of insulin receptors on the cell surface and their sensitivity. We also conduct specific non-medicinal effects on neuro-endocrine processes, with an emphasis on the pancreas. We connect massive physiotherapy: magnets, laser, cryotherapy, hirudotherapy, electropulse treatment, etc. We are struggling with the existing complications of diabetes and warn of possible.

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