Supplements – it’s good!
The true meaning of the conventional expression “the most expensive is health” comes to the minds of most of us, not even when the first malfunctions begin in our body, but only after diseases start to torment us seriously, taking away sleep, appetite and the very joy of being and forcing to throw at all possible and impossible medical institutions. Unfortunately, such a scenario is a classic example of the attitude to oneself and one’s own Russian health. And it would not hurt to think about how not to bring yourself to the state of a “driven horse” and how to more rationally treat such an invaluable thing as health. And constantly remember that to reduce the risk of the emergence and development of many diseases is quite able to quite simple things. One of them is a balanced diet.
And even though it is possible to introduce this principle into daily practice only with the most persistent and consistent, it is quite possible, and most importantly, you need to regularly use clearly dosed and convenient for use biologically active additives that can eliminate the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, so necessary for normal life.
Food — pleasure and medicine at the same time
The saying “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food” belongs to the “father of medicine” – to the great Hippocratic. And today, after 2.5 thousand years, scientists confirm that the nutrients contained in it are capable of supporting and multiplying our life forces. Moreover, for the normal functioning of the whole organism as a whole, these substances require at least 600. Only a small part of them is the human body able to produce itself, all the rest come in the composition of food. According to nutritionists, more than half of the world’s population experience the state of so-called hunger, which is not caused by low-calorie food, but by the constant lack of vitamins and minerals.
Especially since getting all the necessary nutrients from food is almost impossible. First, because to combat stresses and overloads, besides being burdened by life in environmentally unfavorable conditions, the need for nutrients must be significantly increased, while the caloric content, and therefore the amount of food eaten, is reduced, since the physical activity of the modern human being is at a rather low level. Secondly, most of the nutrients in the process of cooking and technological processing of food is destroyed, and therefore it becomes more difficult for us to get the required amount of vitamins and minerals. So where is the way out of this impasse? Leading experts of the world believe that the most effective, fast and economically acceptable way to solve this problem is the widespread use of bioactive additives in daily practice, which are compositions of natural or identical natural biologically active substances.
The concept of “dietary supplements”, or simply dietary supplements, is quite new for Russia, although in Japan, for example, they have been used for over 50 years, and in the United States – about 20. Moreover, it is not necessary to attribute these vitamin and mineral preparations to medicines, this is exclusively “dietary supplement”, or “dietary supplement”. Nevertheless, they can be used to very successfully cope with diseases, eliminating their causal relationships, and can also be effectively used for preventive purposes or for complex treatment of many chronic diseases. Long and constant their use has such a deep therapeutic effect that it often exceeds the effect of drugs.
Health components
Due to the lack of time or just elementary laziness, many of them make diagnoses for themselves and for a long time are not treated for what they really need, putting themselves in vain risk. And although dietary supplements do not have direct contraindications, they are not toxic and, as a rule, do not cause allergies, it is still better to consult a doctor and choose from a huge amount of supplements those that are currently most needed. Traditionally, dietary supplements are divided into nutraceuticals and parapharmaceuticals. To better understand how they differ from each other, consider each of them separately.
Nutritsvetik are dietary supplements used to correct the chemical composition of food. Their meaning is to bring the content of natural essential nutrients to the level of the physiological needs of a healthy organism. They are a source of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, macro and micronutrients, and dietary fiber. The daily dose of vitamins E and C in nutraceuticals should not exceed 10 times the daily human need for them, vitamins A, D, group B, and others – a 3-fold increase.
Parapharmaceuticals are dietary supplements used for prophylaxis and adjuvant therapy. They support the functional activity of organs and systems. The daily dose of parapharmaceuticals should not exceed a single therapeutic dose.