Rash and skin irritation in babies
One of the most common types of irritation are diaper rash, which many take for granted. However, in reality, the child should not have them. The appearance of diaper rash…

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Improving immunity
In recent years, we often hear about immunity, the immune system at the doctor's office, in newspaper articles, in advertising brochures. Most often there are phrases like: "You (or your…

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Purpose: horse
Hippocrates argued that horse riding speeds up not only the recovery process after injuries, but also helps melancholics no less effectively, freeing them from “dark thoughts”, instilling “merry and clear…

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Intravenous administration is carried out by venipuncture and venesection. Venipuncture is the introduction of a needle into a vein through the skin to draw blood or inject medicinal solutions, blood,…


health is the maintenance

Pregnancy is not a reason for toxicosis

Pregnancy is a wonderful and, most importantly, quite natural state for a woman. However, not everyone will share this optimism. For many expectant mothers, this naturalness was very difficult – it’s good if it was limited to morning nausea and a change in taste. And some were forced to spend long hours in the company of a white tile friend, occasionally “calling Ihtiandra.” Continue reading

Oxygen is needed as air ... for every diabetic patient!
There is a paradox: today we can effectively deal with type 2 diabetes or prevent the development of this disease by “catching” it in its early stages. This is on…


Thrush - treat or not?
Despite the innocuous name, this disease is extremely cunning and delivers a lot of trouble for women of all ages. It seems that the terrible itch and nasty discharge will…


Ayurveda: healthy mind in healthy body
Alternative medicine is gaining more and more adherents. Recent scientific studies confirm that treatment without drugs is possible, and the wonders of traditional medicine have received their logical explanation. Ayurveda…
