Sea spa: wellness stay
Spa is a popular word among city dwellers tired of the eternal stresses, it is an abbreviation of the expression "Sanitas Pro Aqua" and translated means "health through water". Indeed,…

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Intravenous administration is carried out by venipuncture and venesection. Venipuncture is the introduction of a needle into a vein through the skin to draw blood or inject medicinal solutions, blood,…

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Food chemistry
Three kilograms of chemicals. This is the quantity that an average consumer consumes in the course of a year of the most different, sometimes absolutely familiar products: cupcakes, for example,…

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What is cellulite and how to fight it
Most likely, in the initial stages of development, this is an aesthetic problem. Cellulite begins with a violation of microcirculation of blood and lymph, the appearance of an ugly subcutaneous…


talk simply about the complex

Improving immunity

In recent years, we often hear about immunity, the immune system at the doctor’s office, in newspaper articles, in advertising brochures. Most often there are phrases like: “You (or your child) have low immunity”, “You need to raise the immunity”, “Such a means helps to raise the immunity” and similar expressions.

What kind of animal is this, immunity, without which nothing can do, does not move? Is it possible to somehow act on it to achieve health? If possible, what is the best way to do this? Continue reading

Subcutaneous injections and infusions
Due to the fact that the subcutaneous fat layer is richly supplied with blood vessels, for a more rapid action of the drug substance, subcutaneous injections are used. Usually they…


Depression: how to fight it and win
Depression is familiar to everyone. Why not? Life is full of difficulties, and fate often challenges us. Everything can affect your mood, ranging from bad weather and ending with a…


Pregnancy is not a reason for toxicosis
Pregnancy is a wonderful and, most importantly, quite natural state for a woman. However, not everyone will share this optimism. For many expectant mothers, this naturalness was very difficult -…
