Chronic fatigue syndrome: how to deal with it
The ficus has always been green, it simply does not have the right to become orange or crimson in the box. A neighbor for ten years welcomes you with a…

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Healing Sunshine - Sunbathing
From time immemorial, people knew that sunlight was both a healer and a reliable ally in the fight against disease. Widely used the rays of the sun as a tonic…

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Flu vaccine - sick leave canceled!
Together with the first cold, the first diseases come to us. The most insidious of them is the flu. Flu epidemics are observed annually in the autumn-winter period. The spread…

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Flu vaccine - sick leave canceled!
Together with the first cold, the first diseases come to us. The most insidious of them is the flu. Flu epidemics are observed annually in the autumn-winter period. The spread…


dolphin’s psychological impact on the child

The body's response to cooling
The concept of constancy of human body temperature, as research has shown, is to a certain extent relative. For example, open skin at low temperatures cools faster than closed ones.…


Balance of beautiful form and content
Beautiful hair, strong nails, charming smile, graceful gait and proud posture - agree that every woman dreams of this. Therefore, we buy the best shampoos, expensive nail polish, go to…


Plastic surgery
The first facelift operations were carried out in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, although they were not officially advertised. At that time, to eliminate wrinkles and flabbiness of…
