Balance of beautiful form

The body's response to cooling
The concept of constancy of human body temperature, as research has shown, is to a certain extent relative. For example, open skin at low temperatures cools faster than closed ones.…

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Intramuscular injections in the gluteal region
The palm of the hand with the thumb as far as possible is applied to the thigh so that the end of the thumb reaches the anterior-inferior axis of the…

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Curse of antibiotics
The more drugs used by humanity, the more vulnerable it becomes. Now, most types of serious infections are not treatable with the most common types of antibiotics. This annually causes…

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Hardening in ice water - winter swimming
With proper organization and strict observance of hygienic rules, systematic bathing in icy water, as studies have shown, has a beneficial effect on humans: the efficiency increases, the incidence of…


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Various ailments in the baby

Small children are often tormented by flatulence – the accumulation of gas in the stomach. At the same time the stomach becomes hard and increases in size. To alleviate the condition, a child can be stroked on the belly with a warm palm or work with his legs, bending them in the knees, changing the position of his body several times. You can also give your baby a teaspoon of chamomile decoction or dill water. Continue reading

What is cellulite and how to fight it

Most likely, in the initial stages of development, this is an aesthetic problem. Cellulite begins with a violation of microcirculation of blood and lymph, the appearance of an ugly subcutaneous vascular network in the legs. Stagnation of blood and lymph leads to increased penetration of fluid (plasma) into the intercellular space, i.e. swelling of tissues. At this (I-II) stage of development, cellulite is still hardly noticeable, and only when the tissues are squeezed with fingers on the resulting crease, is uneven unevenness. Continue reading

Burns in babies

There are several degrees of burns, but even the smallest of them can be quite complicated, because pain and burning are simply unbearable for a child. Therefore, in case of a burn, it is imperative to call a doctor or take the child to the hospital. Before the arrival of the doctors, hold the burned place under an ice stream of water for a few minutes, and then smear it with petroleum jelly, vegetable oil or butter. At the site of the burn blisters may form, which subsequently burst and turn into wounds. If an infection gets into the wound, inflammation may occur. Continue reading

Sea spa: wellness stay

Spa is a popular word among city dwellers tired of the eternal stresses, it is an abbreviation of the expression “Sanitas Pro Aqua” and translated means “health through water”. Indeed, a spa is a complex of procedures using any water: mineral, sea, fresh, as well as sea salts and algae, therapeutic mud and healing plants. This method is aimed at achieving harmony of soul and body, improving the general physical and emotional state of a person. And, perhaps, the spa is the most pleasant and beautiful of all existing methods of healing and relaxation of the body. Continue reading

Plastic surgery

The first facelift operations were carried out in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, although they were not officially advertised. At that time, to eliminate wrinkles and flabbiness of the skin, surgeons made cuts along the hairline, tightened the skin, and then stitched. However, after a few weeks, the patients felt unpleasant consequences: in response to stretching, the muscles of the face contracted, so the skin sagged again, and the sutures dispersed. Sketches depicting the first patients of plastic surgery resemble more pictures of Frankenstein than modern ideas about beauty. Continue reading

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Demodecosis. Causes of occurrence. Treatment methods
Demodecosis is a disease accompanied by microscopic mite damage to the skin. This tick is called Demodex folliculorum. For most people, this mite is a normal inhabitant of the skin,…


Ayurveda - the ancient science of beauty and health
We all want to be beautiful, healthy and live long. But for some reason, the miraculous means by which the neighbor has found a second youth, do not produce the…


What is cellulite and how to fight it
Most likely, in the initial stages of development, this is an aesthetic problem. Cellulite begins with a violation of microcirculation of blood and lymph, the appearance of an ugly subcutaneous…
