Rash and skin irritation in babies
One of the most common types of irritation are diaper rash, which many take for granted. However, in reality, the child should not have them. The appearance of diaper rash…

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Stem cells in search of truth
Stem cells. Despite the fact that the term appeared in biology in 1908, the peak of world attention to this topic came at the end of the 20th and the…

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Ayurveda - the ancient science of beauty and health
We all want to be beautiful, healthy and live long. But for some reason, the miraculous means by which the neighbor has found a second youth, do not produce the…

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Plastic surgery
The first facelift operations were carried out in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, although they were not officially advertised. At that time, to eliminate wrinkles and flabbiness of…


main characteristics of Dosh-types

Ayurveda: healthy mind in healthy body

Alternative medicine is gaining more and more adherents. Recent scientific studies confirm that treatment without drugs is possible, and the wonders of traditional medicine have received their logical explanation. Ayurveda occupies a special place among non-traditional methods. “Science of life”, namely, Ayurveda is translated in this way, originates in India and today it is the oldest teaching about healthy lifestyle. Its goal is to bring a person’s body and soul into a healthy state, while taking care of health and its maintenance is no less important than the treatment of diseases. Continue reading

Colds in babies
In young children, colds are many times more common than in adults. The reason for this is not developed immunity to filtering viruses that are able to penetrate into the…


Improving immunity
In recent years, we often hear about immunity, the immune system at the doctor's office, in newspaper articles, in advertising brochures. Most often there are phrases like: "You (or your…


Ureaplasma - is it possible to cure?
How can I get ureaplasmosis? Ureaplasmosis, or mycoplasmosis, is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a group of bacteria called mycoplasma. Its second name is ureaplasmosis, which has become even…
