Increased temperature in babies
It is necessary to know that the temperature of a child is higher than that of an adult, which is associated with its intensive growth and constant changes in the…

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Various ailments in the baby
Small children are often tormented by flatulence - the accumulation of gas in the stomach. At the same time the stomach becomes hard and increases in size. To alleviate the…

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Improving immunity
In recent years, we often hear about immunity, the immune system at the doctor's office, in newspaper articles, in advertising brochures. Most often there are phrases like: "You (or your…

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Science of life
The boom of Ayurveda enthusiasm, which is translated from Sanskrit means “the science of life”, has reached Russia. Essentially different from the usual for Europeans, the ancient Indian methods of…


useful hot drinks

Ayurveda: healthy mind in healthy body

Alternative medicine is gaining more and more adherents. Recent scientific studies confirm that treatment without drugs is possible, and the wonders of traditional medicine have received their logical explanation. Ayurveda occupies a special place among non-traditional methods. “Science of life”, namely, Ayurveda is translated in this way, originates in India and today it is the oldest teaching about healthy lifestyle. Its goal is to bring a person’s body and soul into a healthy state, while taking care of health and its maintenance is no less important than the treatment of diseases. Continue reading

Intravenous administration is carried out by venipuncture and venesection. Venipuncture is the introduction of a needle into a vein through the skin to draw blood or inject medicinal solutions, blood,…


The more globalization, the more American food and less health
The current power system of Americans is gradually becoming the power system of the whole world. However, getting rid of hunger, the United States faced a different problem - overeating…


Art of bone restoration
The movements and movements of a person in space - from the simplest to the most complex - are made thanks to the work of the musculoskeletal system, represented by…
