A star named Sun
It is known that 40% of Russians are more or less susceptible to depression of the “overcast sky”, so sunlight and heat, better than any newfangled medicine, can have a…

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Science of life
The boom of Ayurveda enthusiasm, which is translated from Sanskrit means “the science of life”, has reached Russia. Essentially different from the usual for Europeans, the ancient Indian methods of…

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Sea spa: wellness stay
Spa is a popular word among city dwellers tired of the eternal stresses, it is an abbreviation of the expression "Sanitas Pro Aqua" and translated means "health through water". Indeed,…

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Thrush - treat or not?
Despite the innocuous name, this disease is extremely cunning and delivers a lot of trouble for women of all ages. It seems that the terrible itch and nasty discharge will…


inadequate care for

Your perfect smile

Scientific and technological progress did not protect us from disease. Having learned how to heal alone, we did not avoid an increase in the prevalence of other diseases. An increase in the share of foods and drinks containing sugar in the daily ration has led to a sharp increase in dental diseases. Note that no matter how many people treat their teeth, if they do not follow the rules for caring for their teeth, all material costs will be in vain. We’ll have to spend money on treatment again. Continue reading

The more globalization, the more American food and less health
The current power system of Americans is gradually becoming the power system of the whole world. However, getting rid of hunger, the United States faced a different problem - overeating…


Insidious sinusitis
Inflammation of the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses is a common disease, due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure (unfavorable conditions of outflow from the sinuses) and the possibility of infection…


Supplements - it's good!
The true meaning of the conventional expression “the most expensive is health” comes to the minds of most of us, not even when the first malfunctions begin in our body,…
