Vampirism for the good
Leech - omnipresent. They live all over the world except the Arctic and Antarctica. The main distinguishing feature of all 400 species of these animals, belonging to the class of…

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A star named Sun
It is known that 40% of Russians are more or less susceptible to depression of the “overcast sky”, so sunlight and heat, better than any newfangled medicine, can have a…

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Unqualified doctors - dolphins
Dolphins are animals that have a need for interspecific communication, so they are easy to contact and communicate with people. The fact that they know how to work as rescuers…

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Subcutaneous injections and infusions
Due to the fact that the subcutaneous fat layer is richly supplied with blood vessels, for a more rapid action of the drug substance, subcutaneous injections are used. Usually they…



Thrush – treat or not?

Despite the innocuous name, this disease is extremely cunning and delivers a lot of trouble for women of all ages. It seems that the terrible itch and nasty discharge will never pass. The thrush becomes the worst enemy, against which all forces and money are directed. But before you start another battle with the “dairy” opponent, it is important to know something.

What is more effective: candles or pills? Continue reading

Food chemistry
Three kilograms of chemicals. This is the quantity that an average consumer consumes in the course of a year of the most different, sometimes absolutely familiar products: cupcakes, for example,…


Running and heart
Ordinary running has an even greater impact on our body than walking. The blood flow increases significantly - hence the energy from the environment; breathing - hence the removal of…


Caution: heatstroke
In summer, high air temperatures become a real problem, often causing heat stroke in adults and children. Many believe that in the heat will not be his victims. However, our…
