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We fight spring cold

In the spring of us often catches cold. Pharmaceutical preparations give a good effect, but in a weakened body, the probability of side effects is high. In addition, any pharmaceutical component primarily attacks the liver. In such a situation, traditional medicine is a good source of effective recipes without side effects.

A cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract (or an acute respiratory viral infection – ARVI). Every day we are attacked by many viruses, but our bodies are not completely defenseless in front of them. If the virus enters the bloodstream, then special defense cells (leukocytes) produce a substance for the fight against viral particles – interferon. This protein activates the body’s defenses that stop the division of viral particles and their spread. Ultimately, in a healthy body, viruses quickly break down. However, after a long winter, the body’s defenses are weakened, because for a long time the energy was spent on maintaining body temperature in cold conditions, and not on building antiviral protection. Therefore, viruses circulate in the blood for quite a long time, their number increases, in response, a nonspecific reaction occurs – inflammation. It causes the painful symptoms that are characteristic of the common cold. Thus, fever, sweating, stuffy nose – is nothing but a manifestation of the action of the body’s defenses.
Pharmaceuticals: Pros and Cons. Today, in the pharmacy, you can buy a lot of drugs without a prescription for eliminating cold symptoms and fighting a viral infection: Antigrippin, Coldrex, Fervex. As a rule, such drugs provide a complex effect: they reduce the temperature, eliminate chills, and stop inflammatory processes. At high temperatures, rectal suppositories (Efferalgan) can be used in adults and children to ensure the fastest absorption of the active ingredients of the drug.

However, these tools only eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but do not fight the true cause – viral particles. For the appointment of antiviral drugs, you should visit the doctor: he will recommend a drug that is suitable in this situation, will inform about the possible side effects. Popular anti-viral drugs include Arbidol, Immunal, Derinat. Interferon is also used to fight infection.

When choosing a drug, you must clearly follow the instructions for use. Many pharmaceutical preparations have contraindications and restrictions in use (for example, children, women during pregnancy). It should be remembered that antiviral agents have side effects: drowsiness, dry skin, apathy. Such symptoms are fully justified, because the activation of the body’s defenses leads to the development of special substances and changes the course of biochemical reactions.

People with impaired liver function should be especially careful when using pharmaceutical preparations. The fact is that the liver is an organ for cleansing our blood. Toxins and metabolic products, getting into the liver, undergo chemical utilization, they are destroyed into simpler substances and removed from the body. Pharmacological agents – foreign components in our body. Liver cells work with increased stress to find the right way to dispose of them. Therefore, long-term use of pharmaceutical preparations can lead to malfunction of the liver.

Recipes prescribed by nature. Unlike synthetic drugs, folk recipes for dealing with colds do not cause side effects. Herbs used for treatment, support the body, help to cope with the infection on its own. When using popular recipes, the liver does not experience new loads, moreover, we get additional trace elements and vitamins.

Intense sweat. With intense sweating, the body loses energy, which leads to a decrease in temperature. In addition, with the sweat our body leaves the metabolic products and toxic substances. No wonder sweating is considered one of the main steps on the road to recovery.

At the first sign of indisposition, drink tea with pepper. One teaspoon of black tea and a pinch of black pepper to brew, insist. Take overnight.

One of the best sweatshops is raspberry tea with honey. Brew dried raspberry fruit (you can make a compote of jam), add 1-2 teaspoons of honey to a glass, drink hot three to four times a day.

An ancient remedy with ginger root. Chop fresh root through paper with a hammer, add 2 lemon halves, add water and boil. When it all starts to cool – add honey.

Lower the temperature. The heat helps defender cells attack the virus particles and destroy them. Therefore, the appearance of high temperature is considered a sign of activation of the protective systems of the body. You should not immediately seek to bring down the fever, so you can transfer the infection to the category of sluggish. But too high a temperature (fever) causes a greater load on the heart, interferes with a restful full-fledged sleep.

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Ayurveda: healthy mind in healthy body
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