Rash and skin irritation in babies
One of the most common types of irritation are diaper rash, which many take for granted. However, in reality, the child should not have them. The appearance of diaper rash…

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Ayurveda: the science of life in India
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian method of healing the body and spirit. Literally, the word "Ayurveda" is translated from Sanskrit as "the science of life." This is the oldest system…

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Stem cells in search of truth
Stem cells. Despite the fact that the term appeared in biology in 1908, the peak of world attention to this topic came at the end of the 20th and the…

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We fight spring cold
In the spring of us often catches cold. Pharmaceutical preparations give a good effect, but in a weakened body, the probability of side effects is high. In addition, any pharmaceutical…


in the first days

Increased temperature in babies

It is necessary to know that the temperature of a child is higher than that of an adult, which is associated with its intensive growth and constant changes in the body, including under the influence of external factors, such as sounds, touches, new impressions. So, a child’s body temperature of 37 ° C is considered normal. As a rule, it is not constant, but fluctuates around this mark. Continue reading

Food chemistry
Three kilograms of chemicals. This is the quantity that an average consumer consumes in the course of a year of the most different, sometimes absolutely familiar products: cupcakes, for example,…


Inhalation: Techniques
Inhalation is a method of administering drugs through the respiratory tract by inhalation. Inhalation of gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide), volatile substances (ether, chloroform), as well as finely dispersed substances (aerosols)…


Chronic fatigue syndrome: how to deal with it
The ficus has always been green, it simply does not have the right to become orange or crimson in the box. A neighbor for ten years welcomes you with a…
