Running and heart
Ordinary running has an even greater impact on our body than walking. The blood flow increases significantly - hence the energy from the environment; breathing - hence the removal of…

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The main rules of hardening
So, systematic hardening is a proven and reliable healing tool! However, there will not be much prospect if, in carrying out tempering procedures, to neglect the principles that have been…

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Intravenous administration is carried out by venipuncture and venesection. Venipuncture is the introduction of a needle into a vein through the skin to draw blood or inject medicinal solutions, blood,…

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Subcutaneous injections and infusions
Due to the fact that the subcutaneous fat layer is richly supplied with blood vessels, for a more rapid action of the drug substance, subcutaneous injections are used. Usually they…


cells that can quickly divide

Stem cells in search of truth

Stem cells. Despite the fact that the term appeared in biology in 1908, the peak of world attention to this topic came at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries. Publications regularly appear in a wide variety of newspapers and magazines – from popular science to tabloids. And the tone of these publications is very diverse – from the most enthusiastic to the angry and revealing. Continue reading

Attention: couperose
Kuperoz - a violation of blood circulation in the skin. Usually kuperoz begins with stagnation in the capillaries of the upper layers of the skin. Because of the constant load,…


Chronic fatigue syndrome: how to deal with it
The ficus has always been green, it simply does not have the right to become orange or crimson in the box. A neighbor for ten years welcomes you with a…


Balance of beautiful form and content
Beautiful hair, strong nails, charming smile, graceful gait and proud posture - agree that every woman dreams of this. Therefore, we buy the best shampoos, expensive nail polish, go to…
